Friday, January 16, 2009

14 week ultrasound pictures

We had our 14 week ultrasound today and as you can see from the pictures there has been allot of progress made! The ultrasound machine they used today wasn't the most state of the art so they are not quite as clear as the others but they definitely show how much it has grown.

You can now see the face, arms, legs, ribs and back bone very clearly. In the first picture you can see the face clearly, facing the camera. You can see the ribs and back bone very clearly in the second picture. The hands are pretty clear in the fourth. It's hands were above its head most of the time, waving a lot. We could see the fingers as well.

It was moving around very quickly, surprising how much movement there is at this stage. The doctor says it's an "active" one and will probably be quite a "kicker." Katia can't feel the movement yet because it is just too small to make itself felt but that will be changing very soon.

We don't know yet if it's a boy or girl, but the doctor said that we should know at our next appointment which is in about a month (and the machine we'll use is the better one) The development stage is now over. All organs and limbs are formed it's just growing and growing!

Post some comments and let us know what you think!


  1. Ok. So what type of food would it be the size of now? LOL. Did I write this before - the food references really help me visualize how big "it" it. Thanks for sharing all of these pics!

  2. It is about the size of a lemon, growing very fast!

  3. That picture with the little hands above the head is just precious! I can't believe we are this close to knowing whether "it" is a boy or girl. I am sooooo excited....
    Love ya.

  4. thanks for sharing the photo's I'm glad you guys are doing the blogging thing it's great to see how everything is going. I can't wait till you know if it s a boy or girl.
    Katia I hope you feel better soon and get to the enjoyable stages of being prego. :-)
