Thursday, February 12, 2009

Katia Pregnant with our Son!

We finally got around to taking some pictures of Katia pregnant! These are taken at 17.5 weeks, you can see she's showing quite a lot, but she looks great!

We have a feeling he's going to be a big boy!

Check out the post below to see the ultrasound pictures.


Our 18 week Ultrasound Pictures

So we finally know.........It's a BOY!!! He is very wiggly and active, we saw him flailing around in there. As you can see from the first picture his arms and legs are growing fast! In the second picture he looked like he was about to suck his thumb. In the third picture it looks like he is blowing's actually his hands near his mouth.

It's a great profile picture, the black spot in his body is his stomach. The doctor said everything looks great anatomically! They took detailed measurements of everything and everything is where it is supposed to be and growing properly!!

He is about 6 inches long and 7 ounces right now (about the size of a turnip according to the iPhone) and growing fast!

Our next visit is in four more weeks, can't wait to see how big he is by then.

Friday, January 16, 2009

14 week ultrasound pictures

We had our 14 week ultrasound today and as you can see from the pictures there has been allot of progress made! The ultrasound machine they used today wasn't the most state of the art so they are not quite as clear as the others but they definitely show how much it has grown.

You can now see the face, arms, legs, ribs and back bone very clearly. In the first picture you can see the face clearly, facing the camera. You can see the ribs and back bone very clearly in the second picture. The hands are pretty clear in the fourth. It's hands were above its head most of the time, waving a lot. We could see the fingers as well.

It was moving around very quickly, surprising how much movement there is at this stage. The doctor says it's an "active" one and will probably be quite a "kicker." Katia can't feel the movement yet because it is just too small to make itself felt but that will be changing very soon.

We don't know yet if it's a boy or girl, but the doctor said that we should know at our next appointment which is in about a month (and the machine we'll use is the better one) The development stage is now over. All organs and limbs are formed it's just growing and growing!

Post some comments and let us know what you think!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year's Update

Hello All! We rang in the new year with flu's and head colds....on the mends now and looking forward to the next 6 months. I (Katia) am officially in my second trimester now and our little fetus is about the size of a plum. =) Our next doctor's visit is on January 16th so we'll keep everyone informed.

Due to a some requests we've received about making lists of items we'll need in the near future, Josh and I have done some research and created "" and "Target" baby registries. We've carefully chosen specific items based on safety ratings and reviews, so hopefully that helps.

Above are some pictures of our ever-loving furry children. They are just a hoot to watch every day and are more cuddly and loving than we ever expected. We also think Trina has some sort of sixth sense about the little one growing in my belly because she is constantly cuddling up to me, seemingly warming me or just trying to sit on my belly like a little incubator.

We hope everyone's healthy and wishing everyone a bright and prosperous 2009!!

Here are the links to our baby registries. They can also be looked up by either of our names.

Target Baby Registry

Amazon Baby Registry

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Our first few ultrasound pictures

Here are our first ultrasound pictures! The first one is at 6 weeks and it was the size of a grain of rice. The second one is at 8 weeks and it was the size of a grape. The third one is at 9 weeks, it's about 1 1/2 inches long at this point.

According to the iPhone app we use to track the progress it's currently about the size of a prune.

We will keep updating with new ultrasounds as we get them. The next one is scheduled for the middle of January so check back soon after that for the update!

Grand Canyon, December 08

Here are a couple shots of our trip to the Grand Canyon right after Christmas. We had a fantastic time checking out the views of this majestic park in the cold of winter there.

We rode the train from Williams, Arizona to the Grand Canyon and had a great time with Mary Ellen & Dave (Josh's Mom & Step-Dad).

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Our forray into the Blogosphere

We finally figured out what blogging is so here we are! I have to admit I'm still not sure why people do this but maybe this will enlighten us. I'm not sure that we are interesting enough that people will actually want to see what we are up to but oh well. Maybe family and friends will find it interesting anyway.

A little about us.....

We are Josh & Katia (in case you couldn't figure that out) we live in the Phoenix area. I (Josh) am an aircraft mechanic Katia works at a medical office and we just started Southwest Premier Home Inspection, LLC our own home inspection business here in Phoenix.

We have allot going on right now in our lives so we will try to keep this updated.