Thursday, February 12, 2009

Katia Pregnant with our Son!

We finally got around to taking some pictures of Katia pregnant! These are taken at 17.5 weeks, you can see she's showing quite a lot, but she looks great!

We have a feeling he's going to be a big boy!

Check out the post below to see the ultrasound pictures.


Our 18 week Ultrasound Pictures

So we finally know.........It's a BOY!!! He is very wiggly and active, we saw him flailing around in there. As you can see from the first picture his arms and legs are growing fast! In the second picture he looked like he was about to suck his thumb. In the third picture it looks like he is blowing's actually his hands near his mouth.

It's a great profile picture, the black spot in his body is his stomach. The doctor said everything looks great anatomically! They took detailed measurements of everything and everything is where it is supposed to be and growing properly!!

He is about 6 inches long and 7 ounces right now (about the size of a turnip according to the iPhone) and growing fast!

Our next visit is in four more weeks, can't wait to see how big he is by then.