Sunday, December 28, 2008

Our first few ultrasound pictures

Here are our first ultrasound pictures! The first one is at 6 weeks and it was the size of a grain of rice. The second one is at 8 weeks and it was the size of a grape. The third one is at 9 weeks, it's about 1 1/2 inches long at this point.

According to the iPhone app we use to track the progress it's currently about the size of a prune.

We will keep updating with new ultrasounds as we get them. The next one is scheduled for the middle of January so check back soon after that for the update!

Grand Canyon, December 08

Here are a couple shots of our trip to the Grand Canyon right after Christmas. We had a fantastic time checking out the views of this majestic park in the cold of winter there.

We rode the train from Williams, Arizona to the Grand Canyon and had a great time with Mary Ellen & Dave (Josh's Mom & Step-Dad).